Use These Expert Squat Exercises for Stronger Legs in 2025 ๐Ÿ‹๏ธโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Squats are an extremely effective lower-body exercise! They come with an tons of benefits, like:

  • Strengthening and toning leg muscles (quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings)
  • Improving strength in your knee joints
  • Burning fat (which promotes weight loss)
  • Strengthening the lower back
  • Improving flexibility in your lower body

While the basic squat is still a great option, incorporating different squat variations is a great way to change up your leg workout and improve your strength, mobility, balance, and. Of course, they also give you that much-desired muscle definition in your legs and booty.

The following are nine squat variations to add to your fitness routine. They will help build and tone muscle no matter what your age!

1. Pliรฉ Squat Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a plie squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

If you want more inner thigh work, a pliรฉ squat is a great choice. By turning your legs open (external rotation), the inner thigh muscles are activated and turned on for more help.

How to do pliรฉ squats:

  1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out into a 45-degree angle.
  2. Bend knees and lower your torso, keeping your back straight and abs tight.
  3. Squeeze your glutes and come to standing position.

2. Squat Jump

Chris Freytag demonstrating a squat jump.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

Want to burn extra fat and calories? Jump squats are your new friend. Feel Free to add in a kettlebell to up the ante.

How to do squat jumps: 

  1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.
  2. Jump straight up and swing arms overhead. Return to squat.

3. Stiletto Squat Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a stiletto squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do stiletto squats:

  1. Start standing and lift heels high like youโ€™re wearing heels. Keeping your abs engaged slowly drop into a squat bringing your hips to knee height.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and return to you starting position.

4. Pistol Squat

Chris Freytag demonstrating a pistol squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

If your focus is solely on shaping your butt, then a pistol squat is a great variety to mix into your workout.

How to do pistol squats:

  1. Stand with feet hip distance apart and extend 1 leg long on front of the body.
  2. Bring hands to hips or the front of your body for balance. Sit back into a squat with weight in the heel of the foot, then slowly stand back up using your glute and hamstring muscles. Repeat for desired number of reps and switch sides.

5. Surfer Squat Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a surfer squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do surfer squats:

  1. Start in a squat position with body facing the side of the room but eyes looking forward.
  2. Jump a full 180 degrees and land in a squat so that body is now facing the other side of the room. Keep eyes forward.
  3. Continue to make 180-degree jump-turns with eyes looking forward and body staying in squat position.

6. Squat Thrust

Chris Freytag demonstrating squat thrusts.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do squat thrusts:

  1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. The elbows are bent and dumbbells are at shoulder height.
  2. Using the lower body, thrust up to standing and press the dumbbells overhead extending the arms long. Then lower back to starting position.

7. Medicine Ball Squat Toss

Chris Freytag demonstrating medicine ball squat thrusts.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do medicine ball squat tosses:

  1. Stand with feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and hold the medicine ball with two hands in front of your chest.
  2. Sit back in squat position, keeping chest lifted and lower ball to floor.
  3. Stand up with an explosive movement while tossing ball up over head.
  4. Catch the ball at chest level and sit back to squat position. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

Here are 8 best medicine ball exercises for your core!

8. Resistance Band Squat Exercise

Chris Freytag demonstrating a resistance band squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do resistance band squats:

  1. Stand on band with feet shoulder width apart and hold the handles next to your shoulders so the band is behind the back of your arms.
  2. Slowly sit down and back into squat position keeping abdominals tight and chest lifted.
  3. Press back up through heels, squeezing glutes.

9. Side-to-Side Squat

Chris Freytag demonstrating a side-to-side squat.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

How to do side-to-side squats:

  1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and sit back into a squat position by bending the knees.
  2. Keep your abs tight and back straight. Step wide to one side staying in your squat position, go back to your starting position, and then side squat wide in the other direction using all your lower body muscles then back to center. Continue squatting side to side staying low throughout.

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