6 Ways Strength Training Over 50 Slows the Aging Process

If you’re over 50, incorporating strength training into your fitness routine can be a game-changer!

Researchers at the National Institute on Aging have been studying the effects of strength training for decades and have found a variety of ways it promotes healthy aging.  Not only does it help you maintain muscle mass and bone density, but it also offers anti-aging benefits that boost longevity and keep you feeling young.

Here, we’ll explore the top six ways strength training can slow the aging process, helping you to live a longer, healthier, and more active life. 

1. It Helps Build Lean Muscle Mass 

woman doing strength training with dumbbells

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

As we age, our bodies lose muscle if we’re not focused on a regular strength training workout. Those who strength train see tighter, more toned bodies rather than getting “bulky.”

It’s a myth that weight training will make you bulk up. It will, however, help you achieve that coveted toned appearance everyone wants!

It takes a combination of strength and cardio exercise. Cardio workouts help burn calories and get your heart pumping, which is critical for your overall heart health and weight management. But as that fat starts to melt off, you also need to strength train if you want any toned definition.

Being stronger means staying independent and strong for life’s daily activities, such as carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren, or engaging in fun activities like golf or other sports. 

2. It Improves Bone Density and Lowers Injury Risk

A senior couple power walking in the park.

Photo Credit: Depositphotos

Injury prevention is important, especially as you age—and it’s an often-overlooked benefit of building muscle.

Unexpected falls put countless older people in the hospital every year. In fact, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury and death in older Americans.

By training the muscle and connective tissue that surrounds your bones, you are making yourself stronger and helping to prevent a fall from happening in the first place. Bone density is a big deal, and strength training is the best way to preserve it.

Strong muscles protect your bones and joints when they’re in motion and make your ligaments better at absorbing the shock they endure during dynamic movements. It’s important to incorporate weekly strength training into your routine to avoid random strains and sprains.

3. It Lowers the Risk of Obesity and Disease

Close up of a foot stepping onto a scale.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Maintaining a healthy weight is important for preventing many diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, and certain cancers.

Strength training is an excellent way to eliminate excess fat, keep your body healthy, and reduce the risk of obesity and the diseases that come with it.

For those already struggling with obesity, research shows that adding weight lifting to an exercise and diet routine for older adults yields better results than diet or aerobic exercise alone.

4. It Boosts Metabolism

woman lifting kettlebell

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, as you age, your metabolism begins to slow down. One great way to revive it is by weight training.

Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is how many calories your body burns at rest. The more muscle you have on your body, the higher that metabolic rate.

Essentially, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism works. Bottom line? When you have more muscle mass in your body, you burn more calories every day.

5. It Improves Mental Health

Two older women friends talking and smiling outside at a BBQ.

Photo Credit: Depositphotos

Strength training is not just about more muscle mass. As you get older, you may go through many life changes, making it normal to feel sad, stressed, or uneasy.

Adopting a strength training program has been shown to improve your confidence and boost your mental health. Moreover, Harvard Medical School reports that exercise helps lessen the incidence and the degree of clinical depression.

6. It Helps Balance, Coordination, and Mobility

A grandmother dancing in the kitchen with her granddaughter.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Regular strengthening workouts improve your balance and coordination, which helps you do just about everything, from yoga and dance to daily tasks.

As you age, you tend to lose the overall muscle strength that allows you to balance. By lifting weights, you are not only building up muscle strength and protecting bone health but also forcing your body to function in an unbalanced state, thus improving overall balance and coordination.

Bending, lifting, balancing—these movements are very important as you age! If you can strength train, it will help you stay more coordinated and capable throughout the years.

12 Stretches to Help Ease Back Pain and Improve Flexibility

If you are experiencing back pain, yoga is a great way to get some relief! Yoga naturally helps strengthen and lengthen your spine, stretch your muscles, and fix your back’s alignment.

According to a study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, chronic back pain sufferers who practiced yoga regularly were half as likely to need pain pills or over-the-counter treatments for their pain than those who did not practice yoga.

Here, we’ve rounded up the 12 best yoga stretches that help to alleviate back pain. Try to complete these two to three times a week for the most relief!

1. Child’s Pose

Chloe Freytag demonstrating a child's pose.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

The child’s pose lengthens and stretches the spine while relieving tension in the neck and shoulders. You can also try using a block under the forehead for more relief.

How to do child’s pose:

  • Begin with hands and knees on the mat, with your knees spread to the outer edges of the mat.
  • Sit your tailbone down and back between your heels and lower your belly between your thighs.
  • Stretch your arms long in front of you and relax your forehead on the mat. Breathe and hold as long as you’d like.

2. Cat/Cow Pose

A woman doing a cat yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

How to do to cat/cow pose:

  • Begin on your hands and knees with hands directly under your shoulders and knees under your hips. 
  • Start with your spine in a “neutral” or long position. On an exhale, slowly tuck your tailbone, lowering the crown of your head so your back gently rounds into a cat pose. 
  • Return to a neutral spine. On an inhale, gently lift your chest and tailbone so your lower back curves downward. Look slightly upward with a relaxed neck. This is cow pose.
  • Repeat as many times as you’d like.

3. Downward Dog

woman doing downward dog yoga

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Downward dog lengthens and strengthens at the same time. It’s also a big stretch for the hamstrings, which can be a cause of back pain. Take some time here to pedal the feet, twist the hips, and rock side to side.

How to do downward dog:

  • Begin in a kneeling position on your mat with hands directly under your shoulders, fingers spread wide.
  • Tuck your toes under and engage your abdominals as you push your body up off the mat so only your hands and feet are on the mat.
  • Press through your hands, gently moving your chest toward your thighs and your heels toward the floor.

4. Crescent Twist Pose

Chris Freytag demonstrating a yoga stretch for back pain.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

A crescent twist helps open up the hips, which can significantly impact the back. It’s a great pose for sciatica and can also improve spinal range of motion.

How to do a crescent twist:

  • From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of the mat and lower the inside of the foot down.
  • Reach both arms straight overhead and bend the right knee to 90 degrees.
  • Relax your shoulder as you continue reaching up and lengthen the back leg.
  • Draw your hands to a prayer position in front of your chest.
  • Keep hands in prayer as you twist the left elbow over the right knee, pressing your elbow against the side of your leg and relaxing your neck as you gaze up.
  • Hold 30 seconds and switch sides.

5. Warrior 1 Pose

Chloe Freytag demonstrating a warrior 1 yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

Warrior 1 is an energizing pose that creates stability and improves balance. Having a better posture can significantly impact and alleviate back pain.

How to do Warrior 1 pose:

  • From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of your mat and lower the inside of your foot so that your back foot is at an angle.
  • Bend your right knee 90 degrees and straighten your back leg.
  • Reach arms overhead and keep the torso facing the front.
  • Relax your shoulders and breathe gently in and out. Hold 30 seconds and switch sides.

6. Triangle Pose

Group yoga class

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Triangle pose taps into the spinal nerves and strengthens the lower back.

How to do a triangle pose:

  • From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of your mat and lower the inside of your foot so that your back foot is at an angle. Both legs are long and straight.
  • Reach your right arm over your right leg and left arm over your left leg, keeping arms straight and back long.
  • Now begin to reach the right hand forward over the right foot, lengthening through the waist, and slowly tip over so your right hand rests gently on your shin.
  • Lengthen your left arm up, stacking your left shoulder over your right shoulder and left hip over the right hip. Gaze toward theleft hand.
  • Breathe and switch sides.

7. Revolved Triangle

Chloe Freytag demonstrating a revolved triangle pose.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

Revolved triangle is another pose that improves balance with the help of internal and external obliques. This pose activates the spine.

How to do a revolved triangle pose:

  • From a standing position, step your left foot to the back of your mat and lower the inside of your foot so that your back foot is at an angle. Both legs are long and straight.
  • Reach your right arm over your right leg and left arm over your left leg, keeping arms long and back tall.
  • Begin reaching your right hand forward while twisting your left arm down toward your right foot. Your right hand should end up reaching to the sky while your left hand rests gently on your right shin (or, if possible, ankle or floor).
  • Breathe as you stretch and lift through your torso.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and switch sides.

8. Locust Pose

A woman demonstrating a locust yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Locust pose will strengthen and elongate all the muscles along the spine.

How to do a locust pose:

  • Lie face down on your belly and lift your chest and legs off the mat.
  • You can take arms by your side, reaching fingers behind you. This is complete activation of the entire back of the body.

9. One-Leg Forward Fold

A woman doing a one leg forward fold yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Try not to force this; relax in the pose for optimal release in the spine.

How to do a one-leg forward fold:

  • Seated, extend the left leg out in front of you and bend the right knee, letting it fall open to the side like a half-butterfly.
  • Reach forward and fold softly over the legs.
  • Switch sides after three breaths.

10. Knees to Chest

A woman doing a knees to chest yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

This has the same effects as a child’s pose without impacting the knees. It rounds and releases. You can gently rock right to left for a gentle massage on the spine.

How to do knees to chest: Lie down on your back and hug your knees up into your chest.

11. Twist Pose

Chloe Freytag demonstrating a windshield wiper yoga pose.

Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

Twists relieve pressure in the lower back and encourage a spinal range of motion.

How to do a twist:

  • Begin on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms stretched out to the sides.
  • Gently lower your knees to the left side of your body and place them on the floor. Gaze right and breathe.
  • Engage your abdominals and slowly pull your knees back to the start position.
  • Gently lower your knees to the right side of your body and place them on the floor. Gaze left and breathe.
  • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch to the other side.

12. Savasana

woman doing meditation

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Place a pillow or blanket under the knees and lie down with arms by side. This final pose, or savasana, allows the body to absorb the practice.

How to do savasana:

  • Lying on your back, close your eyes. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your chest. (Or you can leave them by your sides.)
  • Inhale through your nose slowly for 4 counts as your belly rises with air. Exhale through your nose just as slowly for 4 counts. You should feel the texture of your breath against the back of your throat as you exhale.
  • Try to practice this for at least 1 minute—several minutes if you can—progressively slowing down your breaths.

Is Healthy Eating Enough? 10 Weight Loss Tips for Older Adults

As we age, maintaining a healthy weight can become increasingly challenging, even if you’re sticking to a healthy diet. If you’re trying your best to eat right but not seeing the desired results on the scale, you’re not alone!

Although eliminating processed foods and feeding your body real nutrients is essential for weight loss and overall health, there are other essential factors to keep in mind.

So, if you’re eating healthy but not losing weight, here are 10 weight loss tips for older adults you may be overlooking.

1. Watch Your Calorie Intake

Close up of a foot stepping onto a scale.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Even healthy foods have calories, and quantity does matter! You won’t lose weight if you consume more calories than your body needs. 

Ultimately, the calories you eat will be stored in your body as fat unless you use them up. To avoid this, you can either incorporate more calorie-burning physical activity into your routine or cut back on the number of daily calories you consume. This ensures you’re in a calorie deficit — meaning you’re burning more calories than you’re consuming.

Consider a calorie-tracking app to help keep you accountable during the day. You may be underestimating just how many calories you’re actually taking in!

2. Reduce Portion Sizes

Happy older couple unpacking a bag of groceries in the kitchen.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Even healthy foods can lead to weight gain if you’re eating large portions!

Use these guidelines to more accurately size up your portions:

  • The size of your fist = A medium fruit, one cup of whole grains
  • The size of your thumb = One ounce of cheese
  • The tip of your thumb = One teaspoon of butter, oil, or nut butter
  • A deck of cards = One serving of meat, poultry, or fish
  • One cupped handful = One serving of cereal
  • Two golf balls = one serving mashed potatoes or ice cream

Be mindful of portion sizes and try not to overeat, even if the food is healthy.

3. Look Out for Hidden Calories

A small ramekin of bbq sauce.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Be aware of hidden calories in sauces, dressings, and other foods. They can add up quickly and sabotage your weight loss efforts!

Hidden sugars are the biggest culprits. The top foods containing them include:

  • Whole-grain cereals
  • Granola bars
  • Pasta sauce 
  • Low-fat salad dressings
  • Store-bought smoothies
  • Yogurt
  • Salad dressings
  • Milk alternatives such as almond milk and coconut milk
  • Canned fruit 
  • Bottled tea
  • Ketchup
  • BBQ sauce

It’s helpful to make a habit of checking ingredient labels. Even so-called “healthy” items can be packed with things like added sugar, artificial sweeteners, and corn syrup!

4. Incorporate Exercise

Older woman power walking in the woods with headphones on.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

While diet is crucial for weight loss, exercise also plays a huge role!

If you are not currently exercising, start small. Even a 10-minute workout can increase your heart rate and engage your muscles! Make sure you’re engaging in regular physical activity to burn extra calories, whether it’s morning yoga or a walk around the block. 

Here are a few exercises developed specifically for older adults to help your weight loss efforts:

5. Assess Any Medical Conditions

Senior woman checking blood pressure at home.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Certain medical conditions, such as thyroid disorders or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), can make it harder to lose weight.

If you suspect a medical condition might be hindering your progress, consult a healthcare professional.

6. Prioritize Sleep and Stress Management

A woman sleeping on a white pillow.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Chronic stress and lack of sleep can interfere with your body’s ability to lose weight. Both can disrupt your hormones, making it harder to shed pounds.

Here are just a few of the amazing things getting enough sleep can do for your body:

  • Hormone regulation. Sleep regulates hormones like leptin and ghrelin, which control hunger and fullness. Poor sleep can lead to increased ghrelin (appetite stimulant) and decreased leptin (appetite suppressant), promoting overeating.
  • Supports metabolic function. Sleep supports optimal metabolic function, ensuring efficient energy utilization and preventing metabolic slowdown, which can occur with sleep deprivation.
  • Improves energy levels. Sleep enhances energy levels and overall physical performance, encouraging regular exercise and adherence to a fitness routine.
  • Reduces cravings. Sleep improves impulse control and reduces cravings for high-calorie, sugary carbohydrate foods, which are often sought out for quick energy boosts.
  • Muscle recovery. Sleep supports muscle recovery and maintenance, which is crucial for an active lifestyle and effective weight loss through exercise.

7. Try Not to Focus Too Much on the Scale

woman lifting kettlebell

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Remember, your scale can’t differentiate between fat, muscle, bone, and water weight! It only shows the number of your total mass. If you’re losing fat but gaining muscle, you may actually be losing weight even if the scale says otherwise—so try not to get discouraged!

Instead, take progress photos, pay attention to how your clothes fit, your energy levels, and how you feel overall!

8. Be Aware of Water Retention

Close-up of woman holding her stomach.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Sometimes, your body retains water, especially if you’ve recently changed your diet or exercise routine. This can mask weight loss on the scale. It’s essential to look at trends over time rather than focusing on daily fluctuations. 

The best ways to help avoid water weight include:

  • Exercising
  • Staying hydrated (dehydration makes the body hold onto extra water!)
  • Cutting back on sodium and carbs

9. Figure Out Your Metabolic Body Type

A woman in a grey tshirt with a blue digital image of her intestines over top.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

In short, metabolism is the process by which your body changes calories from food and drink into energy. Even at rest, your body needs energy for everything it does, including breathing, sending blood through the body, and maintaining hormone levels. The number of calories your body uses to do all of these things is known as basal metabolic rate.

Your basal metabolic rate is determined mainly by muscle mass but also depends on your body composition, sex, and age. Metabolism works at different intensities in different people (i.e., a “fast” or “slow” metabolism) and is mostly determined by your genes.

You can use this guide for the three different metabolic types to determine the best ways to lose weight based on your specific type.

10. Try to Practice Patience

A plate turned into an alarm clock with bells and clock hands.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Weight loss takes time. It’s not always a linear process, and there will be periods where you might not see the scale move despite your efforts. Be patient and focus on overall health improvements.

Stay the course — you didn’t gain the weight overnight, and you can’t lose it overnight either! With persistence, patience, and hard work, you’ll reach your weight loss goals and enjoy the new, healthier you.

9 Practical Tips for Preventing Falls in Older Adults

As we age, maintaining balance and preventing falls become increasingly crucial. Falls are a leading cause of injury among older adults, often resulting in serious consequences such as fractures and hospitalizations—but with the right strategies, many can be prevented.

Here, we’ll look at nine practical and effective tips for helping older adults stay steady on their feet. Whether you’re a senior yourself or a caregiver, these insights help you create a safer, more secure environment for independence and healthy aging.

1. Stay Physically Active

woman doing strength training with dumbbells

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Exercise works wonders for balance and stability! It also improves muscle strength and keeps joints flexible, which helps keep you balanced and reduces the risk of broken bones if a fall does occur.

Here are a few exercises developed specifically for seniors to improve balance and mobility: 

2. Be Aware of Medication Side Effects

Close up of a woman taking medication with water.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

When taking any medications, it’s important to pay attention to potential side effects. Some medications can make you feel dizzy or sleepy, which increases your risk of falling.

Always reach out to your doctor if you are concerned about the side effects of any medication you’re taking.

3. Have Your Eyes and Hearing Tested

Close up of a woman's eye.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Your vision and vestibular system (the balance system of the inner ear) are vital for good balance. Conditions such as cataracts, glaucoma, vertigo, and more can all play a role in how steady you are on your feet. It’s important to keep up with regular checkups for your eyes and ears!

Additionally, if you’re trying out new eyeglasses, contacts, or hearing aids, be sure to take your time getting used to them.

4. Fall-Proof Your Home

Older woman cooking in her kitchen.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

There are plenty of steps you can take to help prevent falls in your home (and stay safe if they happen).

The National Institute on Aging provides a room-by-room guide on how to fall-proof your home, which includes tips such as adding railings where necessary, adjusting the lighting, and keeping essential items like pots and pans in easy-to-reach locations.

5. Stand Up Slowly

Happy woman standing outside.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Standing up too quickly can cause a sudden drop in blood pressure, called Orthostatic hypotension. This can make you feel faint, lightheaded, or dizzy, increasing your risk of falling. 

To avoid this, try your best to stay hydrated and slowly stand up from a sitting or lying position.

6. Get a Good Night’s Sleep

Overhead view of a middle-age woman sleeping on bright blue sheets.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

It’s no surprise that if you’re extra tired, you’re more likely to fall. Fatigue can lead to brain fog, impaired balance, weaker muscles, and even dizziness or lightheadedness. 

Older adults should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night in order to wake refreshed and alert. If you need a little help, check out these 15 science-backed tips for a better night’s sleep.

7. Wear the Right Shoes

Elderly woman putting on shoes.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

To help keep you steady, it’s helpful to wear shoes that are nonskid, rubber-soled, and low-heeled. Try to avoid walking on hardwood floors or downstairs in shoes, tights, or slippers.

8. Use Extra Caution Outdoors

Senior woman wearing sportswear outdoors.

Photo Credit: Depositphotos

Here are a few helpful tips for preventing falls outdoors: 

  • Keep your hands free: While walking outside, keep your hands free of things such as phones and handbags. Use a shoulder bag, fanny pack, or backpack so that your hands are free to hold onto railings when needed.
  • Be extra careful on wet/icy surfaces: If they can’t be avoided, be sure to use extra caution since these surfaces can be extremely slippery. When possible, use ice melt products to clear areas around your doors and walkways.
  • Avoid bad weather when possible: If you can, stay indoors if the weather is severe. If possible, opt for meal or grocery delivery services.

9. Use a Cane or Walker if Needed

Young woman walking with a a senior woman in the park.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Assistive devices like canes and walkers are especially helpful if you find it hard to stay steady on your feet—just make sure it’s the right size for you. A doctor or physical or occupational therapist can help you find and learn how to use the safest option to keep you safe on uneven surfaces.

Boost Stability With These 5 Seated Core Exercises for Seniors

Maintaining core strength is crucial for healthy aging. A strong core enhances stability, improves posture, and supports overall mobility and balance. 

Whether you’re looking to prevent falls or simply improve your overall fitness, these five seated core exercises are tailored specifically for older adults to strengthen their core muscles safely and promote better balance in everyday activities.  gentle and low-impact, but effective!

Read on to discover the benefits of working your core as you age and five of the best seated core exercises to keep you mobile and balanced.

Why Is Core Strength So Important for Healthy Aging?

Three women doing glute bridges in a yoga studio.

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Core strength plays a vital role in supporting overall physical function, reducing the risk of injuries, and enhancing both physical and mental well-being. Adding core exercises to your daily routine can significantly improve the aging process and help you maintain independence in daily activities.

Here are some of the biggest benefits of working your core as often as possible:

  • Maintains stability and balance, reducing the risk of falls and injuries
  • Helps maintain proper posture, preventing discomfort and potential spinal issues
  • Enables everyday movements such as bending, twisting, and lifting
  • Reduces and prevents lower back pain by providing support to the spine and surrounding muscles
  • Helps maintain bone density, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis
  • Improves joint function
  • Helps maintain a healthy weight
  • Improve coordination

    The following five low-impact moves are some of the top core exercises for older adults, and involve a chair for stability.

    Workout Instructions:

    • Aim to do these exercises daily (or at least 2-3 times per week) to keep your core muscles strong and healthy.
    • Perform each move for 5-10 reps (per side), and you’ll get a great core workout in less than 10 minutes!

    1. Seated Forward Roll-Ups

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated forward roll up

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated forward roll-up:

    • Sit in a chair with your legs extended, heels on the floor, and feet flexed towards your face. Extend your arms in front of you. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    • Begin curling your chin to your chest. Exhale as you roll the entire torso up and over, keeping your legs straight, abs engaged. Reach down towards the toes.
    • Once you can’t reach any further, inhale as you begin to roll back up to the starting position, one vertebra at a time.
    • Repeat moving slowly. Avoid using momentum; try to use your abdominals to lift and lower.

    2. Seated Side Bends

    Chris Freytag demonstrating seated side bends.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform seated side bends:

    • Sit with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bend your right arm to bring your right hand to the right side of your head. Allow your left arm to hang at your side. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    • Inhale. As you exhale, bend gently at the waist to lower your left arm toward the floor. Keep your chest open and pull your right elbow back to feel a stretch in your right side.
    • Inhale to return to starting position. Repeat.

    3. Seated Leg Lifts

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated leg lift.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated leg lift:

    • Sit in a chair. Your left knee should be bent with your left foot flat on the ground, and your right leg extended. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    • Engage your core to raise your right leg. Lift your leg as high as you can without letting your back collapse. Hold briefly before returning your foot to the floor.

    4. Seated Leg Taps

    Chris Freytag demonstrating seated leg taps.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform seated leg taps:

    • Sit in a chair with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    • Hold onto the bottom of your seat for support. Engage your abdominals and extend both legs out in front of you, tapping the floor with both feet.
    • Reset by pulling your legs under your chair, allowing your feet to rest on the floor. When you’re ready, repeat.

    5. Seated Half Roll-Backs

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated half roll-back.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated half roll-back:

    • Sit in a chair with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your arms in front of your chest to create a circle. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    • Keeping your feet on the floor and your arms joined in a circle in front of your chest, begin to round your back. As you round your back, think about scooping your abdominals.
    • Once you can’t go any further, engage your abs as you slowly roll back up to the starting position.

    Ease Your Hip Pain: 7 Home Remedies for Relief

    Whether standing, walking, or climbing stairs, our hips are needed for just about every physical activity! So, when the joint we need for everyday movement isn’t at its best, neither are we.

    While you should always visit your doctor for chronic or severe pain, there are some hip pain relief treatment options you can try on your own. There are a range of options, from light exercises to homeopathic remedies.

    Here, we’ve compiled nine of our favorite tips for relieving hip pain at home, plus signs that it’s time to talk to your doctor.

    1. Start Your Day with the Right Stretches for Mobility

    A senior woman doing a cobra yoga pose in her living room.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It is fairly common to get tight hip flexor muscles if you spend a lot of time sitting, running, or biking. Because everything in your body is connected, you’ll need to work the hip flexors and the surrounding muscles and joints that support them.

    For example, when your hips feel tight, it can cause overuse of the spine, resulting in pain in your lower back. Adding hip stretches and mobility exercises will support the muscles and joints in the back and spine. 

    To improve mobility, try the following exercises and stretches: 

    2. Work Your Thigh Muscles

    Older woman doing chair squats on a yoga mat.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Your thigh muscles help support your hips more than you may think! If you suffer from arthritis in particular, strengthening those thigh muscles will help support your hips more and hopefully lessen your pain.

    Here are a couple of workouts to help strengthen your thighs: 

    3. Exercise as Much as Possible (But Avoid High-Impact Workouts)

    Middle aged couple power walking outdoors

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Movement, in general, is also a great way to strengthen a weak hip. Try lower-impact options like walking or cycling, and avoid high-impact activities like running and jumping. Remember, low impact does not have to mean ineffective! 

    Try the following low-impact exercises to help ease hip pain: 

    Tip: If stability is a problem for you, feel free to grab a chair, couch, or even the wall to hold onto while performing any standing exercises. The more you exercise and work on mobility, the more you will develop stability and balance!

    4. Try Water Aerobics

    woman by pool working out

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Summer is the perfect time to take advantage of pool workouts!

    Swimming and water exercises are amazing, low-impact exercises. The body is unweighted in water, making it easier to exercise for longer, with less impact. Plus, resistance in water can be anywhere from 4 to 42 times greater than on land, making a pool or body of water a natural weight-training machine.

    To get started, check out our favorite pool exercises for seniors.

    5. Know When to Use Hot or Cold Therapy

    Two blue ice packs on top of a white towel next to a bottle of water.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It’s helpful to understand when to use hot vs. cold therapy to treat your hip pain.

    Cold Therapy

    For new injuries or acute pain, cold therapy with ice or a cooling gel pack is ideal: 

    • Ice not only numbs the pain but will decrease inflammation and swelling.
    • You do not want to use heat to treat acute injuries because it can increase inflammation, delaying your healing.

    Heat Therapy

    For chronic injuries or arthritis pain, you’ll want to use heat therapy, such as soaking in a warm tub or applying a hot compress or heating pad:

    • Heat works best for chronic pain because it increases blood flow and helps relax and soothe those tight or painful joints.
    • If you have chronic pain, it’s best to apply heat before a workout, not after, as that can aggravate your muscles.

    6. Maintain a Healthy Weight

    Close up of a foot stepping onto a scale.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Excess weight can contribute to hip pain, as the hip is a weight-bearing joint. The more weight you have to support while walking and moving, the more strain your hips feel. (Losing just one pound of weight can feel like removing six pounds of pressure from your hips!)

    Getting rid of excess body weight can lessen the strain on your hips and improve your general health. Every little bit helps!

    To kickstart your weight loss, try our Walking Workouts For Weight Loss.

    7. Remember to Rest

    Overhead view of a middle-age woman sleeping on bright blue sheets.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Of course, one of the best ways to treat hip pain at home is to rest and prioritize nighttime sleep. Identify whatever activity is causing the hip pain or making it worse, and take a break!

    While your body does need movement and exercise to heal and build strength, initial rest can be important after an injury. For example, a mild, strained hip flexor could require one to three weeks of rest and treatment to recover, while a more severe case may take months.

    When to Talk to Your Doctor About Hip Pain

    Older woman sitting in a chair with hip pain.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It’s always great to try to relieve pain at home, but in some cases, a call to your doctor might be warranted.

    We recommend seeking out medical attention if you experience any of the following symptoms:

    • Pain is sudden and severe
    • Cannot put weight on your hips
    • Popping noise from an injured hip
    • Can’t move your hip without pain
    • Any deformation or bleeding

    When we don’t take care of the largest joint in our body, we start to feel the pain. Incorporating these best at-home hip pain treatments will help relieve existing pain and prevent future injuries!

    4 Treadmill Workouts to Lose Weight at Any Age (Walking Included)

    Treadmill routines with high-intensity intervals, a steep incline, or maximum speed are an effective way to amp up your calorie burn.

    The best part? An effective treadmill workout can help you reach your fat loss goals a little quicker. Plus, you can easily adjust the intensity of your workout to a level that works for you, no matter what your age!

    As a Certified Personal Trainer and treadmill user, Chris Freytag has created the best treadmill workouts to try. They will help you burn fat, lose weight, and keep your workout routine interesting!

    Here, we’ll look at the benefits of a treadmill exercise, tips for getting started, and 4 of the best treadmill workouts for weight loss.

    Benefits of Treadmill Workouts

    Close up of different people running on treadmills.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    While strength training is essential to build strong muscles and keep your metabolism revved, you also need cardiovascular exercise. 

    The CDC recommends you get at least 150 minutes of heart-pumping cardio each week. You can divide that number up however you likedo five 30-minute cardio sessions per week, three-hour-long sessions per week, or just 10 or 20 minutes here and there throughout the day.

    The treadmill offers just one awesome way to get your cardiovascular exercise in for the week, and so many things make it a viable option for pretty much everyone! 

    Working out on a treadmill…

    • Allows you to walk or run no matter the weather
    • Helps you train for your first 5 or 10 k
    • Allows you to work in intervals by adjusting the speed or incline
    • Makes cardio workouts accessible to all fitness levels, no matter what intensity level
    • Offers a low-impact flat ground alternative to running or walking on pavement
    • Helps you track your progress by seeing extra calories burned, miles logged, and more

    You can even get a foldable mini treadmill or walking pad to use during your work day!

    Tips for Treadmill Workouts

    A close up view of a person's feet walking on a walking pad.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Try the following tips to get the most out of your treadmill workout:

    • Warm up first. Warming up is an important part of any workout. A short warm-up raises your heart rate and helps your muscles prepare for exercise. I recommend at least five minutes of warming up by walking at a comfortable pace on the treadmill.
    • Stay hydrated. This is important in any fitness routine! Grab your favorite water bottle and get set up before you start the workout. Drinking water regularly during exercise helps you stay hydrated and able to complete more exercise.
    • Cool down after. Once you complete your workout, you’ll want to bring your heart rate back down. A cool-down will slowly reduce your respiration back to a normal rate. Reduce your speed every one to two minutes until you hit a fairly easy pace, then walk for about three to five minutes while your body eases into a calmer state. 
    • Don’t forget to stretch. Complete your post-workout stretch as quickly as you can after your workout. Ideally, you will stretch 5 to 10 minutes. Try this 10-minute stretch routine after your workout to prevent injury and muscle soreness. 

    Next, check out four effective treadmill workouts for weight loss! Do one of them a few times and then move to the next, or mix and match throughout the week to keep your body guessing. Either way, you’ll be glad you did!

    20-Minute Speed Intervals Workout

    A photo of a woman running on a treadmill next to instructions for the 20 minute interval treadmill workout.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    This quick workout involves high-intensity intervals focusing on changing up your speed, which will give you more of a calorie burn than walking on a treadmill at a moderate pace for an hour.

    • You’ll do 4-speed intervals at 1 minute each, with 2 minutes of lighter work in between.
    • It involves some short bursts up to a 7.0 mph speed, which is no doubt high-intensity training. But always listen to your body! If that is too much for you, use a speed that feels difficult for your body. There is no one right speed for everyone.
    • You’ll bookend your workout with a 5-minute warm-up and cool-down.

    The “feeling” column is helpful in identifying how hard you should feel you’re working or your “perceived exertion.” This workout is great for anyone looking to up their calorie burn or runners who are looking for a little speed work. Hit your stride and have some fun!

    30-Minute Hill Climber Workout

    Backside view of a woman running on a treadmill next to instructions for the 30 minute hill climber treadmill workout.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Get ready to work with inclines in this 30-minute hill-climber workout! This workout provides a 5-minute warm-up and then takes you on a series of speed and incline changes that give you the feeling of hiking on a mountain. Your speed will vary a little in this workout, but the focus is primarily on raising your incline.

    The varying heart rate and aerobic/anaerobic combination will torch calories and fat and really increase your fitness level! Not to mention, anytime you raise the incline on your treadmill, you target different muscle groups to mix things up and give your glutes and thighs a run for their money. Consider it the next best thing to hiking an exotic mountain somewhere—no plane ticket required.

    30-Minute Interval Workout

    Angled view of a woman running on a treadmill next to instructions for the 30 minute interval treadmill workout.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    This workout is all about getting a solid 30-minute interval run. It provides you with a fairly steady jog/run combination, so you’ll alternate between jogging at a lighter pace and running a little more intensely.

    It’s a great workout for anyone looking to prepare for a 5k or simply need some nice cardio exercise for weight loss!

    Your incline will stay the same throughout this workout; it’s just the speed that will vary. Again, if this speed feels too easy or too difficult, adjust it to fit your body. If you prefer to walk, use speeds between 2-4 mph. 

    The Walker’s Butt-Burner Workout

    Bottom half of a woman walking on a treadmill next to instructions for the walker's butt burner treadmill workout.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    For all of you walkers who want to lose weight, this 15-minute workout takes your typical walk in the park and upgrades it into a calorie-burning, butt-building workout! Getting your heart rate up will help burn up extra fat, and the incline challenges are a great way to shape and tone your glutes.

    You’ll start with a 5-minute warm-up and then walk at a steady pace, changing the incline and speed throughout. Remember to use your arms and keep your abs tight as the hill increases; you can even engage your glutes to boost the toning effects of this workout.

    Give these four treadmill workouts a try to beat boredom, mix up your workout routine, and burn more fat in less time. 

    Hate Running? Try These 7 Calorie-Torching Workouts Instead

    Running is a great way to stay active and get in shape, but it’s not for everyone. Whether you find it too monotonous, too hard on your joints, or just plain boring, there are plenty of running alternative workouts you can try to get your heart rate up and stay fit.

    By incorporating other forms of exercise into your routine, you can challenge your body in new and exciting ways while still achieving your fitness goals. From cycling to dancing to swimming, there are so many fun and effective workouts to explore!

    1. Cycling

    Pink tennis shoes locked into spin bike

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    If you’re looking for a low-impact alternative to running that can still provide a full-body workout, cycling might be just what you need. Not only is it a great cardiovascular exercise, but it’s also a fun way to explore the outdoors or get some cardio in at the gym.

    There are many different cycling workouts that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Here are a few examples:

    • Interval training
    • Hill climbs
    • Group cycling classes

    Remember, it’s important to have the right gear for cycling, including a well-fitted helmet and comfortable clothing. You may also want to invest in a good pair of cycling shoes that clip onto the pedals for a more efficient workout.

    2. Dancing

    emale athletes doing aerobics exercises or Zumba dance workout.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    If running feels monotonous to you, dancing is an excellent alternative to add some excitement to your fitness routine. Dancing provides a fantastic cardiovascular workout that can be more engaging than running on a treadmill. It’s a fun and energizing way to stay active and fit while exploring your creativity and expressing yourself.

    There are many dance workouts available, from Zumba to hip-hop, that cater to different skill levels and interests. You can join a dance class or practice at home with online videos. Either way, you’ll definitely get a workout, burn calories, and improve your endurance while having a blast!

    Dancing also offers mental health benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving confidence, and boosting your mood. It’s an excellent way to release negative emotions and channel positive energy, making you feel more relaxed and happy.

    3. Swimming

    Happy senior woman in swimming pool, leaning on edge.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    If you’re looking for a low-impact, full-body workout that can help you build strength, improve endurance, and burn calories, swimming may be the perfect alternative to running. Not to mention, it’s a refreshing and enjoyable way to stay active during the hot summer months.

    When it comes to swimming workouts, there are plenty of options to choose from depending on your fitness level and goals. Here are a few examples:

    • Lap swimming
    • Interval training
    • Water aerobics

    One of the benefits of swimming is that it is a form of non-weight bearing exercise, which means it is gentle on the joints and can be a good option for those with injuries or arthritis. Additionally, swimming engages a wide range of muscles, including the arms, legs, core, and back, making it an effective total body workout.

    4. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    A woman jumping while working out.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    HIIT workouts are a type of interval training that involve short bursts of intense exercises followed by brief periods of rest. This type of training has gained popularity in recent years due to its efficiency in burning calories and improving cardiovascular fitness.

    During a HIIT workout, you’ll push yourself to your maximum capacity during the high-intensity intervals and then recover during the rest periods. This cycle is repeated several times during a workout, making it a time-efficient way to stay fit.

    HIIT workouts offer numerous benefits, including:

    • Increased calorie burn
    • Improved cardiovascular health
    • Increased metabolism
    • Reduced insulin resistance
    • Enhanced endurance and stamina

    Additionally, HIIT workouts can be personalized to your fitness level, making them suitable for beginners and experienced athletes alike. Some examples are:

    • Treadmill sprints
    • Bodyweight circuits
    • Jump rope intervals

    5. Strength Training

    A pair of small pink dumbbells next to a sports bra and shoes.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    If you’re looking to build strength, increase metabolism, and enhance your overall fitness, strength training is the perfect workout for you. With weightlifting exercises, you can challenge your muscles and achieve your fitness goals without relying solely on running.

    To get started, you’ll need access to weights or resistance bands. Here are some popular strength training exercises:

    • Bench press
    • Squats
    • Deadlifts
    • Bicep curls
    • Tricep dips

    It’s important to start with lighter weights and proper form to avoid injury. Gradually increase the weights as you get comfortable with each exercise.

    For best results, incorporate strength training into your exercise regimen 2-3 times a week. This will give your muscles enough time to recover and grow stronger.

    6. Yoga

    woman doing downward dog yoga

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    If you’re looking for a low-impact workout that can help you improve your flexibility and overall well-being, yoga might be the perfect fit for you. Yoga has been practiced for centuries and offers a holistic approach to fitness that can help you find balance both physically and mentally.

    There are many different types of yoga, each with its unique set of postures and breathing exercises. Some of the most popular styles of yoga include:

    • Hatha yoga – focuses on breathing and basic poses for beginners
    • Vinyasa yoga – a faster-paced style that links movements with breath
    • Bikram yoga – practiced in a heated room to help improve flexibility and detoxify the body
    • Yin yoga – a slower-paced style that focuses on holding poses for extended periods to improve flexibility and relaxation

    No matter what style of yoga you choose, you can expect to improve your flexibility, build strength, and find a greater sense of calm and relaxation. Yoga is also a great way to improve your posture and reduce the risk of injury in other physical activities.

    Yoga is a transformative practice that can help you find balance and flexibility both on and off the mat. Whether you’re looking for a way to improve your physical health, reduce stress, or connect with your spiritual side, yoga is a versatile workout.

    7. Pilates

    people in a class for pilates

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Pilates is a low-impact workout that is designed to strengthen your core muscles, improve your flexibility, and enhance overall body strength.

    Pilates workouts are centered around the use of controlled movements, focusing on your core muscles, including your abdomen, back, and hips.

    By engaging your core muscles, Pilates exercises can help improve your posture and balance, leading to a more toned physique.

    Incorporating Pilates into your fitness routine can help you achieve a balanced and toned physique while also improving your overall health and wellness.

    Workout Tips to Maximize Results

    woman doing lunge as part of no excuse travel workout routine

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Running may be a popular workout, but it’s not for everyone. Luckily, there are plenty of alternative workouts that can be just as effective and enjoyable. From cycling to yoga, each workout offers unique benefits for the mind and body.

    Here are the tips to make sure you’re getting the most out of your workouts:

    • Try something new. Trying a new workout can be a fun and exciting way to challenge your body and mind.
    • Find what works for you. It’s essential to find a workout that you enjoy and that fits your fitness goals and lifestyle.
    • Stay consistent. Regular workouts not only improve physical health but also boost mental well-being.

    Can You Lose 10 Pounds in a Month? Tips From a Fitness Expert

    Is it possible to lose 10 pounds in a month? It’s certainly possible with dedication, proper nutrition, and plenty of exercise! 

    Certified Personal Trainer and Health Coach Chris Freytag offers eight practical tips for safely losing 10 pounds in 30 days. 

    1. Track Your Calories

    Photo Caption: Shutterstock

    The truth is, if you eat poorly, you’ll feel poorly! But the number of calories you’re consuming still matters, especially when you have the aggressive goal of losing 10 pounds in one month.

    The overall equation for weight loss comes down to this: you have to burn more calories than you take in. Calorie consumption is something you really have to watch.

    While everyone’s caloric needs are different, for the average woman looking to lose weight, eating around 1,600 calories per day will help you drop pounds.

    2. Reduce Your Sugar Intake

    Overhead view of one hand scooping ice cream while the other holds a potato chip.

    Photo Caption: Shutterstock

    Consuming a bunch of refined sugar activates fat storage in the body, which is hard on your metabolism.

    Some of the biggest culprits are sugary beverages, including sodas, specialty coffees, fruit juices, and energy drinks. In fact, sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) are the largest contributor of sugar intake in the United States!

    Sugary drinks and foods can also lead to a temporary spike in blood sugar followed by a crash, which makes you feel hungry or thirsty soon after. (Thus, making you eat and drink more.)

    Try cutting down on sugar by staying away from things like pastries, cookies, donuts, candy, cupcakes, granola bars, and sweetened yogurt. (Moderation is key!)

    3. Stick to Clean Eating

    A variety of healthy foods included in an anti-inflammatory diet.

    Photo Caption: Shutterstock

    In general, fill up your plate with veggies, fruits, lean protein, and healthy fats with real ingredients.

    Other tips include:

    • Cut out processed foods, packaged foods, and artificial ingredients.
    • Get rid of your soda and sugary drink habit to make weight loss easier.
    • Eliminate added sugars, such as white sugar, brown sugar, fructose, and molasses.
    • You should also eat more healthy, filling foods to avoid grabbing high-carb and high-calorie snacks.

    Try foods like:

    • Boiled or baked sweet potatoes
    • Beans, peas, chickpeas, and lentils
    • Whole fruits and vegetables
    • Eggs
    • Nuts
    • Lean meats, poultry, and fish

    4. Add More Fiber to Your Diet

    A sandwich with hummus, tomatoes, and avocado on whole grain bread.

    Photo Caption: Shutterstock

    When you’re eating for weight loss, a lot of people are left feeling hungry due to a lower number of calories consumed.

    Adding fiber to your meals allows you to feel fuller for longer! Fiber also helps to remove waste from the body, keeping you regular and less bloated.

    Some of the best high-fiber foods include oats, whole wheat bread, bananas, and carrots.

    5. Drink More Water

    woman drinking water bottle

    Photo Caption: Shutterstock

    Removing sodas and other sugary beverages plays a big role in weight loss—and you can replace them with water!

    Drinking plenty of water is essential for weight loss because it:

    • Helps suppress your appetite
    • Stimulates metabolism
    • Improves your workouts
    • Helps remove body waste
    • Saves you calories when you drink it instead of soda, juice, and sweetened tea or coffee

    The recommended water intake is around 9 cups daily (8 oz each) for women and 13 cups for men.

    6. Eat a Protein-Packed Breakfast

    Bacon and egg cups on a white plate.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    A high-protein breakfast can help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Eating more protein can reduce the number of daily calories you need to consume, and high-quality protein can also cut down on your calorie intake.

    High-protein foods include eggs, cheese, yogurt, eggs, peanut butter, and certain breakfast cereals.

    7. Try High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

    A woman doing a mountain climber exercise on a yoga mat in front of her laptop.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Dietary choices are helpful with weight loss, but you won’t see any results without exercise!

    Try getting your cardio and strength training done simultaneously by doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

    This type of training utilizes interval workouts, which burn more calories in less time by using short bursts of all-out effort followed by brief rest periods. HIIT workouts get your heart pumping hard and typically use a series of strength moves to do so.

    This allows you to tackle your cardio and strength simultaneously, which is especially helpful if you’re short on time.

    8. Focus on Sleep and Stress Management

    Overhead view of a middle-age woman sleeping on bright blue sheets.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Sleep and stress are two factors that are often overlooked when looking to lose weight, but they matter!

    Stress causes your body to release cortisol (i.e., the stress hormone), and too much of it can cause belly fat. Work on minimizing stress as much as possible by practicing deep breathing and meditation, journaling, taking long walks in nature, or doing yoga.

    As for sleep? Plenty of research associates poor sleep habits with less weight loss. For example, a study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that when dieters cut back on sleep over a 14-day period, they lost 55% less weight from fat. Getting too little sleep can also throw two of your body’s hunger hormones out of whack—leptin and ghrelin—which can cause you to hold onto more fat and crave sugary, salty foods more frequently.

    Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. If you are having trouble falling asleep, you can try meditation, taking magnesium or melatonin, and reducing or eliminating screen time before bed.

    While losing ten pounds in a month is not easy, it is doable! Just remember that proper nutrition, exercise, and serious commitment are required for this kind of weight loss.

    Beat the Heat: 7 Ways to Avoid Extra Pounds This Summer

    Summer is here! Restaurants are opening their patios and rooftops, grills are being fired up for cookouts, and the beaches are packed with sunbathers. It’s easy to coast through the summer months in vacation mode, but oftentimes, it can lead to a few unwanted pounds by the time fall hits. So, how can you avoid it?

    Let’s look at the top causes of summer weight gain and seven strategies for keeping it off.

    Causes of Summer Weight Gain

    A group of friends eating dinner outdoors.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    What causes us to gain that extra weight during the summer season, exactly? Here are the biggest reasons:

    • Overindulgence: Summertime social gatherings, cookouts, and carnivals offer an abundance of delicious, high-calorie foods and drinks, which can lead to overindulgence.
    • Lack of Physical Activity: It’s easy to kick back and relax all summer, which leads to less physical activity. The hot, humid weather can also make it difficult to exercise outdoors.
    • Irregular Eating Patterns: Irregular meal timings and excessive snacking can disrupt the body’s natural hunger and fullness cues.

    So, what can be done about it? The following are 7 tips for preventing summer weight gain.

    1. Practice Mindful Eating

    Happy older couple unpacking a bag of groceries in the kitchen.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It’s simple but game-changing: Be mindful of what you eat! Savor each bite, eat slowly, and pay attention to hunger and fullness cues. This can help in avoiding overindulgence.

    Here are a few more tips for mindful eating: 

    • Be mindful, but don’t deprive yourself. If you want a slice of pie, have one! A little indulgence here and there is actually a good thing. It helps to keep you from feeling deprived and ultimately binging later on.
    • Remember, it’s all about balance. If you know you’re going to indulge in a delicious dinner with friends, try to balance it out with mindful eating earlier in the day. Eat a light breakfast and lunch, and make sure to get in some veggies and lean protein. That way, you’ll have some room in your diet for a main meal and dessert without blowing your entire daily calorie intake.
    • Watch your liquid diet, too. While margaritas, daiquiris, and other fun summer beverages can be tempting, they are often loaded with sugar and calories. Moderation is key!

    2. Try Your Best to Stay Active 

    happy couple walking outside exercising

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It can be tough to stay on track with fitness and exercise during the summertime, but it’s so important to stay physically active whenever possible to keep from adding on extra pounds.

    Short, effective workout routines can be done at home or in a limited space, and even a 10 or 20-minute workout is better than nothing. (And yes, a shorter workout can still make a difference!)

    Here are three workouts you can try this summer:

    Want to get a little more creative? Here are some fun ideas for switching up your workouts:

    3. Plan Ahead

    Older woman preparing healthy food in the kitchen.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    It’s easy to let your workout routine fall by the wayside when you’d rather be sitting seaside! If you want to stay on track, it’s helpful to set an exercise schedule and stick to it.

    Block out time in your calendar for your physical activity, even if it’s just one or two days a week. Keep it simple if that helps you stick with it! For example, take a walk around the block (or on the beach!), go out dancing, or take a bike ride. It gives you something fun to look forward to, and you’ll burn calories while you’re at it.

    As for meals? Try preparing healthy dishes for social gatherings, or eat a balanced meal before heading to avoid excessive snacking.

    4. Stay Hydrated & Rested

    A woman holding a glass of water.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Between all the social gatherings, concerts, cookouts, and other activities during the summertime, it’s easy to slack on sleep and hydration.

    Unfortunately,  a lack of sleep can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and appetite. When you’re overly tired, you’re more likely to reach for sugary snacks and extra calories to keep you going. 

    Research has found that a lack of sleep is associated with increased calorie intake, weight gain, and more belly fat. It’s best to aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep per night to keep you well-rested.

    It’s also important to prioritize hydration, especially during the sweaty summer months! Drinking plenty of water will help you stay fuller longer and, ultimately, less likely to overeat. It will also help keep your metabolism going strong. If you’re enjoying a few alcoholic beverages, drinking water can also help moderate how much you consume and prevent that dreaded hangover. 

    5. Incorporate Healthy Substitutions

    A plate of zucchini noodles with halved cherry tomatoes.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Make your favorite meals more nutritious by substituting healthy alternatives.

    Here are a few examples:

    • Use whole-grain flour instead of white flour
    • Try spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles instead of pasta (or use whole wheat pasta)
    • Opt for grilled foods instead of fried when possible
    • Enjoy a burger without the bun 
    • Substitute regular fries with sweet potato fries
    • For a sweet tooth, grab some fruit instead of cookies, cakes, or candy

    It’s also helpful to reduce sugar when baking and incorporate more vegetables into dishes whenever possible!

    6. Manage Stress

    Older woman doing a cobra pose in a group yoga class.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Research has found an association between higher levels of cortisone (also known as the stress hormone) and more belly fat in both men and women. Chronic stress can lead to consistently high levels of cortisone in your body, which can lead to slow metabolism, increased appetite, excess fat storage, and increased insulin resistance.

    When we’re stressed, we may turn to food for comfort, which can lead to weight gain. To avoid stress eating, it’s important to find other ways to cope with negative emotions, such as taking a walk, exploring meditation and deep breathing, exercising, or talking to a friend or mental health professional.

    7. Find a Support System

    Two older women friends talking and smiling outside at a BBQ.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    Having a support system can make a huge difference! To help keep yourself active, share your fitness goals with friends or family members, or even find a workout buddy to stay motivated together.

    You can also find a friend to help keep you accountable during summer gatherings. Make a pact to take it easy on high-calorie foods and alcohol, and help each other stick to it!

    By following these strategies and maintaining a balanced approach to food and exercise, you can enjoy the summer season without compromising your fitness goals. Remember, consistency and moderation are key to preventing weight gain! 

    Yoga for Healthy Aging: 10 Poses to Stay Flexible

    Daily yoga relieves tight and sore muscles, improves endurance, builds muscle strength, and promotes healthy aging. As older adults begin to lose flexibility, yoga is a great way to get it back!

    The following 10 yoga poses are perfect for loosening tight muscles and boosting mobility.

    1. Standing Side Bend

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a standing side bed.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Lengthen a compressed spine and a tight back by moving sideways!

    • Stand tall with feet and legs together and reach both arms straight up overhead as you inhale.
    • Lower your right arm down the right side of your body and exhale as you lengthen the left arm over the head, bending your body gently to the right.
    • Inhale to return arms overhead to center and exhale.

    Hold for 30 seconds on each side.

    2. Downward Dog Pose

    woman doing downward dog yoga

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Stretch the entire backside of your body: your back, hamstrings, calves, and Achilles.

    • Begin kneeling on your mat with hands directly under your shoulders, fingers spread wide.
    • Tuck your toes under and engage your abdominals as you push your body up off the mat so only your hands and feet are on the mat.
    • Press through your hands, gently moving your chest toward your thighs and your heels toward the floor.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    3. Cobra Pose

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating an up dog/cobra pose

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Open your chest and the front of your shoulders for better posture.

    • Begin lying face down on your mat with your head slightly lifted and your hand sitting directly under your shoulders.
    • Point your toes so the tops of your feet are on the mat.
    • As you exhale, press through your hands and the tops of your feet, raising your body and legs up off the ground until your arms are straight.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    4. Crescent Lunge

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a crescent lunge yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Open tight hip flexors and lengthen your spinal column.

    • From a standing position, step the ball of your left foot to the back of the mat. Keep your feet slightly wider than one another like you’re standing on railroad tracks.
    • Reach both arms straight overhead and bend the right knee to 90 degrees.
    • Relax your shoulders as you continue reaching up and lengthening the back leg.

    Hold for 30 seconds on each leg.

    5. Cat Pose

    A woman doing a cat yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Relieve a tight back and maintain spinal flexibility.

    • Begin on your hands and knees with hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
    • Start with your spine in a “neutral” or long position, then slowly tuck your tailbone and lower the crown of your head so your back gently rounds.
    • Draw your navel up to your spine and breathe gently as you hold the stretch.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    6. Cow Pose

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a cow yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Relieve a tight back and maintain spinal flexibility.

    • Begin on your hands and knees with hands directly under your shoulders and knees directly under your hips.
    • Start with your spine in a “neutral” or long position, then gently lift your heart and tailbone so your back gently curves downward. Be sure to focus on the lifting; do not press your back downward. Let the curve happen naturally.
    • Look slightly upward with a relaxed neck and breathe gently.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    7. Pigeon Pose

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a pigeon yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    One of the best hip stretches! Open your hips and lower back with a traditional pigeon, or do it lying on your back.

    • Tighten your abdominals and pull your right knee toward your right hand, placing your right foot as close to your left hand as you can.
    • Keep your back leg long and your hips even as you relax your weight through the middle of your hips.

    Hold for 30 seconds on each leg.

    8. Happy Baby

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a happy baby yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    A pose of relaxation! You will also open your groin, inner thighs, and lower back.

    • Begin lying on your back and grab your big toes with your index and middle fingers.
    • Gently draw toes down so knees pull toward shoulders. Keep elbows gently pressing knees open.
    • Relax and breathe.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    9. Yogi Squat

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a yogi squat post.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Keeping your hip flexors open and hip joint mobile, this pose will keep you walking and moving comfortably.

    • Begin on your feet, crouched down with your tailbone between your ankles and hands in prayer at your chest.
    • Continue to press hands firmly together while at the same time pressing elbows against inner thighs.

    Hold and breathe for 30 seconds.

    10. Windshield Wiper

    Chloe Freytag demonstrating a windshield wiper yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Stretch your external hips and lower back, and relieve sciatica pain with this pose.

    • Begin on your back with knees bent, feet flat on the floor, and arms stretched out to the sides.
    • Gently lower your knees to the left side of your body and place them on the floor. Gaze right and breathe.
    • Engage your abdominals and slowly pull your knees back to the start position.
    • Gently lower your knees to the right side of your body and place them on the floor. Gaze left and breathe.

    Hold for 30 seconds on each side.

    Pain-Free Feet: 7 Expert-Approved Stretches For Plantar Fasciitis

    If you struggle with plantar fasciitis, you’re all too familiar with heel and foot arch pain.

    The most common signs of plantar fasciitis include:

    • Pain or swelling around your heel
    • Pain in the arch of your foot
    • Overall stiffness

    The sooner you start treating plantar fasciitis, the better! Regular and consistent stretching will be key for any plantar fasciitis treatment plan, and some simple stretches and strengthening exercises can help reduce pain.

    These are the best stretches and massages for relieving plantar fasciitis pain that you can do first thing in the morning (or anytime, really). Make sure you do these for both of your feet, even if you only have pain on one side!

    1. Hand Stretch/Massage

    Hands massaging foot for plantar fasciitis

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Before you get out of bed in the morning, try this simple massage:

    • Use your hands to gently pull the top of your foot down, stretching it very lightly.
    • Take your thumbs and, starting in the middle of your foot, pull each thumb toward the outer edges of the foot, almost like you are trying to get rid of a wrinkle.
    • Do this in 3 or 4 different places at the bottom of your foot.

    2. The Alphabet Game

    Feet stretches on the floor "drawing the alphabet"

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Next, try the alphabet game:

    • Sit up in bed and hang your legs over the side to play the alphabet game with your foot.
    • Point your big toe and draw the alphabet from A to Z with each foot to strengthen and stretch the foot and calf.

    3. Roll It Out

    Close-up of foot rolling a massage ball underneath

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Give this rolling stretch a try:

    • Slowly stand up and place one foot on a massage ball, tennis ball, or frozen water bottle and slowly roll it across the bottom of the foot, starting at the heel.
    • Once you reach your toes, go back slowly in the other direction.
    • Repeat 3 times for each foot.

    Choosing a frozen water bottle gives you the bonus of reducing inflammation, while the rolling massage helps you get prepared to step and move.

    4. Step Stretch

    Close up of a step stretch for plantar fasciitis pain

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    If you have access to stairs, try this stretch:

    • Find the nearest set of stairs and stand on the bottom step.
    • Put the ball of the foot you want to stretch on the step and let the heel drop down for 30 seconds.
    • Switch to the other foot and do the same.
    • Stretch each foot 3 times.

    5. Heel Press Stretch

    Feet on the floor facing wall performing a heel press stretch

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    To do the heel press:

    • Stand facing a wall and place both hands against the wall.
    • Step one foot back and press the heel of that foot firmly into the ground, keeping your leg straight.
    • Move your hips forward until you feel a stretch in your calf. Hold 30 seconds.
    • Switch legs and repeat. Try 3 times per foot.

    Try not to bounce! Remember that tight calves are often the origin of heel pain.

    6. The Washcloth Exercise

    Close-up of foot squeezing washcloth on the floor

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Try the washcloth exercise:

    • Sit on a chair or the edge of your bed with a washcloth on the floor.
    • Keep your heel on the ground and lift the washcloth with your toes.
    • Release and repeat 10 times. Repeat on the other foot.

    7. Seated Straight Leg Stretch

    Chris Freytag sitting on floor stretching heel with resistance band

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Lastly, try this straight leg stretch:

    • Grab a long band and or towel and sit down on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you.
    • Place the band or towel around one foot, keeping that leg straight.
    • Gently pull back on the band or towel, holding for 30 seconds and breathing gently.
    • Switch to the other foot. Stretch each side 3 times.

    More Ways to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

    man rubbing his feet

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Along with stretching for plantar fasciitis, you may want to add on some additional treatments.

    When plantar fasciitis is treated early, most people resolve their pain with conservative treatments within six weeks. However, sometimes it takes a few treatments stacked on top of one another.

    Here are some tried and true plantar fasciitis treatment options:

    • Ice: Try an ice pack or a frozen water bottle.
    • Massage: While you are sitting, roll a tennis ball around under your foot to massage the area. It works like a foam roller for your foot. Of course, the frozen water bottle also serves this purpose.
    • Medication: Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories can help. Ibuprofen or Naproxen are good bets to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.
    • Rest: Your feet need time off from whatever is causing the issue. Stop or cut way back on high-impact exercises.
    • Get New Shoes: Most people wear their workout shoes for far too long before replacing them, so you may need a new pair!

    Active at Any Size: How to Begin Exercising with Obesity

    Beginning an exercise routine when you are obese can be challenging, but that shouldn’t deter you from getting started! Kickstarting your health journey with obesity can happen at any age—but it’s important to approach your goals with patience, consistency, and a focus on your overall well-being.

    Here are 12 steps to help you start exercising if you’re dealing with obesity.

    1. Talk to Your Doctor

    Young female doctor talking to her patient.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    Before beginning any exercise program, consult your doctor or a healthcare professional, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns. They can provide guidance tailored to your specific needs and limitations.

    2. Start Slow

    Woman woking out in her chair.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    This is the MOST important! Don’t overdo it on day one.  You will likely become discouraged, sore, and possibly even injured. 

    Begin with low-impact exercises that are gentle on your joints, such as walking, swimming, or cycling. Start with short durations, even as little as 10 minutes a day, and gradually increase the time as your endurance improves.

    3. Set Realistic Goals

    Woman in blue swimsuit and white shirt holding dumbbells on the beach.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Set achievable, realistic, and specific goals. Set goals about consistent movement, not just weight loss!

    Instead of aiming for significant weight loss at the start, focus on creating healthy exercise habits. Goals like walking for 10-15 minutes a day or reducing sedentary time can be a good start. Keep track of your daily activity and progress.

    4. Find Activities You Enjoy

    A walking pad treadmill next to small dumbbells and a workout ball.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Look for activities you enjoy doing. Whether dancing, biking, playing a sport, or using a walking pad, finding something you like increases the likelihood of sticking with it in the long run! 

    If you hate the exercise you choose, you won’t stick with it. There is no one right form of exercise; you need to think about what YOU like.

    5. Consider Support

    Two women working out together.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Exercise with a friend or family member, or consider joining a support group. Having someone to exercise with can provide motivation and make the experience more enjoyable.

    You can also find an accountability partner — someone who will check in with you daily to give you encouragement and support.

    6. Modify Your Diet

    A variety of healthy foods included in an anti-inflammatory diet.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    While exercise is important, weight loss is also significantly influenced by diet. (You can’t out-train a bad diet!)

    No matter how you slice it, it’s calories in vs. calories out.  Of course, the type of calories matters, so start eliminating processed foods and try to eat real foods like fruits and veggies. 

    Don’t change everything at once, but be mindful and focused. You can also consult a nutritionist or dietitian to create a balanced meal plan that supports your exercise routine and overall health goals.

    7. Focus on Strength Training

    A pair of small pink dumbbells next to a sports bra and shoes.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Incorporate strength training exercises into your routine. Building muscle mass can boost your metabolism and help with weight loss. Start with bodyweight exercises and gradually introduce light weights.

    8. Be Mindful of Your Body

    woman with heat pack

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Listen to your body. If you experience pain (not to be confused with the usual discomfort of exercise), it’s a sign to stop and rest. Pushing yourself too hard, especially in the beginning, can lead to injuries.

    9. Track Your Progress

    Happy woman on a scale

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Keep a record of your workouts. Tracking your progress, whether it’s the number of steps, minutes of activity, or your strength training routine, can be motivating and help you stay on course!

    10. Be Patient and Persistent

    Silhouette of a cyclist riding a bike in the sunrise by the water.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    Understand that progress may be slow, and setbacks might happen. Stay persistent and be patient with yourself.

    Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small they may seem.  You didn’t gain the weight overnight, and you won’t lose it overnight, either. You’re in it for the long haul, and you’ll get there!

    11. Stay Hydrated and Well-Rested

    Woman pouring water from a pitcher of lemon water into a glass.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Drink plenty of water, especially when exercising. Also, ensure you get enough sleep, as rest is crucial for your body’s recovery and overall well-being.

    12. Consider Professional Guidance

    Instructor helping plus size woman on a stationary bike at the gym.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    If possible, work with a certified fitness trainer experienced in working with individuals who are obese. You can also join an online program with beginner exercise programs that are well-instructed.

    Remember, the key is to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle. Small, consistent efforts over time can lead to significant improvements in your health and fitness!

    6 Minutes to a Stronger Core: Daily Yoga for Any Age

    Yoga isn’t just stretching. It actually offers an array of benefits! Reduced back pain, improved digestion, and better sleep can all come from yoga.

    It’s also a great way to flatten your abs!

    This quick, 6-minute yoga workout is perfect for when you’re in a time crunch or as a quick way to get moving in the morning. It includes 4 different yoga moves that specifically target your upper and lower abs.


    • Use a yoga mat or soft surface to perform each exercise.
    • You’ll hold each pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the move.
    • Go through the whole sequence twice for a total of 6 minutes.
    • Remember to breathe throughout!

    1. High Plank

    A woman performing a high plank pose.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    To perform a high plank pose:

    • Begin on your hands and knees. Pull your abs in and step your feet back behind you until your legs are straight.
    • Keep hands directly under your shoulders and your eyes at the front of your mat, keeping your neck aligned.
    • Hold your abs and legs tight, and make sure your back stays long. Avoid sagging in the low back.
    • If you struggle to hold the position, lower your knees to the mat while keeping everything else the same.
    • Hold for 30 seconds.

    2. Boat Pose

    A woman performing a yoga boat pose.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    How to perform a boat pose:

    • From a seated position, draw your naval to the spine and brace the abdominals. With your hands on the floor behind you, bring your legs up off the floor with your knees bent in front of your chest.
    • Keeping abdominals tight, slowly lift hands off floor and reach them forward and up while simultaneously lengthening legs upward. Your body will look like a “V” shape. Lengthen your spine as you hold. (If your hamstrings are too tight, bend your knees slightly.)
    • Keep abdominals tight and breathe.
    • Hold for 30 seconds.

    3. Warrior 3

    A woman performing a warrior 3 yoga pose.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    To perform a warrior 3 pose:

    • Engage your abs and lengthen your spine as you reach your arms toward the front of the room and begin lifting your left leg behind you.
    • Continue reaching your arms forward and your left leg back until your body is parallel to the floor and your eyes are gazing at the front of your mat. Keep those abs tight! Try not to let your back sag.
    • Relax your neck and shoulders and breathe gently in and out.
    • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch legs and hold for another 30 seconds. (A total of 1 minute.)

    4. Side Plank

    A woman performing a side plank.

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    To perform a side plank:

    • Begin in a full plank pose with your hands under your shoulders and your feet and thighs touching.
    • Squeeze your abs tight and open the right arm straight into the air, turning your body to the side so the right foot rests on the left foot.
    • Lift your body through your waistline and hold abs tight as you breathe.
    • Hold for 30 seconds, then switch sides and hold for another 30 seconds. (A total of 1 minute.)

    Next, go back to the beginning and start your second round!

    Get Smoother, Younger Looking Legs With This 20-Minute Cellulite Workout

    You may not be able to completely get rid of the cellulite on the back of your legs or rear, but there are some exercises you can do to reduce it, no matter your age!

    Building nice, firm muscle underneath your skin will fill the space with a solid structure and create a smoother surface. Plus, more muscle means more burned fat, which means less fat to produce cellulite.

    We’ve rounded up seven of our favorite exercises to help you reduce the appearance of cellulite on your thighs and rear end, giving you smoother, stronger, and younger-looking legs. 

    Cellulite workout instructions:

    • Perform each exercise for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds of rest.
    • Repeat the entire circuit twice for a 20-minute workout.
    • Try to incorporate this workout 2-3 times a week for the best results.


    • One exercise will require a chair or something with a higher surface; you can use a step, couch, etc. Be creative with the space and equipment you have in your house!
    • If you do not own dumbbells, you can use other small-weighted objects such as water bottles, books, canned goods, etc.

    Let’s get started!

    1. Plié Squats

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a plie squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform plié squats:

    • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out.
    • Bend your knees, lower your torso, and keep your back straight and abs tight. Tuck your tailbone.
    • Squeeze your glutes and come to the standing position.

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    Plié squats tone your inner thighs and glute muscles to create a firmer, more lifted butt.

    2. Pistol Squats

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a pistol squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform pistol squats:

    • Stand with feet hip-distance apart and extend one leg long in front of the body.
    • Bring your hands to your hips or the front of your body for balance. Sit back into a squat with your weight on the heel of the foot, then slowly stand back up using your glute and hamstring muscles.
    • Repeat on the other side.

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    Pistol squats are an effective lower-body exercise that strengthens your glutes, quads, and core while training your body for better balance and ankle stability.

    3. Side Lunges

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a side lunge.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform side lunges:

    • Start standing with legs slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes pointed forward.
    • Shift your body weight to one leg, bending the knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle while keeping the other leg straight. Glutes are pressing back behind you.
    • Return to center and switch sides.

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    Side lunges strengthen the quadriceps, glutes, and hamstrings while targeting the inner and outer thighs.

    4. Elevated Lunges

    Chris Freytag demonstrating an elevated lunge.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform elevated lunges:

    • Begin by standing a few feet in front of a step or other surface and reach your left foot back so your toes are on the step and heels are lifted.
    • Bend the right knee, lowering your body toward the floor until both knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. If your right knee extends in front of your ankle when you lower, move your right foot farther forward.
    • Squeeze the glute as you press yourself back to start, keeping the weight in your right leg. Continue moving down and up for the desired number of reps and switch sides.

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    Elevated lunges are a version of the traditional lunge that focuses on strengthening your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves.

    5. Deadlifts Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a deadlift with small dumbbells.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform deadlifts:

    • Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and dumbbells (or water bottles, canned goods, etc.) resting in front of your thighs.
    • Tighten your abdominals and keep a flat back as you bend your knees slightly, lowering the dumbbells toward the floor.
    • Squeeze the glutes and use your hamstrings and legs to lift and return to your upright position.

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    The deadlift works more muscles than any other exercise, including your back, glutes, legs, arms, shoulders, and core!

    6. Glute Kickers Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating glute kickers on a purple yoga mat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform glute kickers:

    • Kneel on all fours and bring your right knee off the mat, holding your right heel above the knee with your foot flexed.
    • Squeeze the right glute and press your right foot up toward the ceiling.  Release slightly down and squeeze up again. Repeat for the desired number of reps, then switch sides.
    • Keep abs tight throughout!

    Reps: 8-12
    Sets: 2

    The glute kicker is an exercise that will strengthen and tone your glutes, build stability in your core, and help you tone your booty for a firmer backside!

    7. Single-Leg Hamstring Bridge

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a single-leg hamstring bridge on a purple yoga mat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to perform single-leg hamstring bridge:

    • Lie on your back with bent knees hip distance apart, and feet flat on the mat stacked under the knees. Extend one leg long towards the ceiling.
    • Squeeze your glutes and lift your hips off the mat into a bridge. Lower and lift the hips for the desired number of reps, then repeat on the other side.

    Reps: 8-12

    Single-leg hamstring bridges are a great exercise that strengthens the hamstrings, glutes, core, and lower back.

    Now, go back through all 7 exercises a second time. Remember to stretch at the end! 

    7 Easy Exercises For A Celebrity Inspired Bubble Butt

    Bubble butts and booty trends may come and go, but a firm lifted rear end never goes out of style!

    Strong glutes are important for your overall health. They are the largest muscle group in your body and play a crucial role in supporting and enabling various movements.

    These seven big bubble butt exercises can help you to strengthen your buns, promote good posture, improve mobility, and stabilize your hips. (Who knew booty exercises could have such a lasting impact?)

    The best part? All of the exercises in this bubble butt workout use different movements and can be done right at home or wherever you happen to be. These are bodyweight exercises.  All you need is this list of exercises and the will to be consistent, and you’ll get one step closer to a better butt!

    Here, we’ll explain how the glute muscles work, why strong glutes are essential, and how to achieve that toned and lifted big bubble butt with the best glute exercises.

    The Muscles That Give You A Firmer Butt

    A graphic showing the different glut muscles highlighted in blue, red, and green.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    When you think of toning your butt, you may picture the actual butt cheek itself, but there are a few different muscles responsible for creating a firm, lifted appearance.

    Glute strength can help reduce hip pain and knee pain and protect your back from injury; it also improves your athletic performance in nearly any workout. This important muscle group plays in important role in your general health.

    Three muscles make up your rear:

    • Gluteus Maximus: This is the largest and most powerful muscle in the human body. It is responsible for the movement of the hip and thigh. When you stand up from a sitting position, climb stairs, or run, your gluteus maximus is actively engaged. It helps in extending (moving your leg behind you) and externally rotating your hip.
    • Gluteus Medius: This muscle is situated on the outer surface of the pelvis. It assists in hip abduction, which is the movement of the thigh away from the midline of the body. The gluteus medius also provides stability to the pelvis during activities like walking, running, and standing on one leg.
    • Gluteus Minimus: The gluteus minimus is the smallest of the three gluteal muscles and lies beneath the gluteus medius. It also aids in hip abduction and internal rotation of the hip joint.
    • Your hamstrings also extend up towards your gluteal muscles, making them a vital muscle to include in your next booty workout. Hamstrings are a frequently overlooked muscle, but you need strong hamstrings to not only lower risk of injury to your hips but also create a lean, tight rear end.

    Why Your Glute Strength Matters

    A woman jumping while working out.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    All talk of bubble butts aside, glute strength is important for overall strength and fitness. Your glutes are the largest muscle in your body, and they’re crucial for so many different movements concerning your hips and thighs.

    Here are three reasons you need to strengthen your glutes in order to get a stronger butt:

    Improves Your Posture

    Most of us sit for long periods of time for work, and this causes the glute muscles to “turn off,” so to speak.

    When our glutes aren’t firing effectively, our hip flexors tighten and shorten, which not only increases the chances for injuries to our hips and knees but can cause what’s known as “postural deviations” such as slouching. Strong, activated glute muscles in our lower body prevent this from happening and and are a great way to keep our postural alignment upright and healthy. 

    If you’re stuck at a desk all day, you can also incorporate an under desk walking pad to get more movement into your day!

    Reduces Hip, Back, and Knee Pain

    Strong glutes stabilize your pelvis and help protect your hips from injury. Since these muscles work together, strong glutes also help ease lower back pain.

    When your pelvis is stable, it also takes the pressure off your knees and ankles, which can overcompensate otherwise. All around, strong glutes lead to a pain-free body.

    Improves Athletic Performance

    Strong glutes are crucial to athleticism: they boost your overall mobility,  speed, and overall daily movement. The glutes are responsible for powerful movements such as standing up, climbing, and running. 

    Especially if you’re a runner, strong glutes help propel you farther and faster, not to mention they reduce the impact your feet have to take every time they strike the ground.

    The best exercises for a bigger butt are more than aesthetic – they’re athletic!

    Can You Get A Bubble Butt At Home?

    woman doing glute bridge on hardwood floor

    Photo Credit: Depositphotos

    Bubble butt exercises are totally doable at home. In fact, you can do this entire exercise routine just about anywhere. Find a comfortable spot in your home gym, living room, bedroom, or even at your hotel when traveling. 

    If you prefer to add extra resistance to your bodyweight exercises for even stronger glutes, check out my favorite picks for at home gym equipment.

    The good news is, the only thing standing in the way of you and a curvy booty is a little dedication and our bubble butt workout.

    The following are 7 of the best bubble butt exercises you can do from home. You can incorporate them into your existing workouts or do them all together for one killer, butt-kicking workout!

    If you do them as an exercise program, perform 8-10 repetitions of each movement. These moves are all bodyweight except for the resistance band butt blaster—but this move can be modified without the resistance band, too.

    Basic Squat Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a basic squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    The basic squat is an effective lower body move that strengthens all leg muscles including glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. You can stick to bodyweight at first, and add additional resistance as you build muscle strength.

    How To Do A Basic Squat:

    • Stand tall with your feet hip-distance apart. Your hips, knees, and toes should all be facing forward.
    • Bend your knees and extend your buttocks backward as if you are going to sit back into a chair. Make sure that you keep your knees behind your toes and your weight in your heels. Rise back up and repeat.


    Chris Freytag demonstrating a skater exercise.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Skaters are a cardiovascular exercise where you perform a lateral jump to get your heart rate up, strengthen your legs and improve stability and balance. The strengthening part of this exercise is mostly focused on quads and glutes. However, an added benefit to this move is a strengthening of your medial glute- or the outer thigh. 

    How To Do Skaters:

    • Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart and arms at the sides.
    • Bring one leg behind at a slight angle into a reverse lunge. The front knee will come to a 90-degree angle.
    • Swing the arms in front of that bent knee and leap the back leg forward to switch sides in a skating motion—arms alternate as you switch sides like a speed skater.

    Squat Jumps Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating squat jumps.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Squat jumps are a powerful, plyometric exercise that strengthens your entire lower body and increases your heart rate for a significant calorie burn. Squat jumps target your quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves while also toning the ab and back muscles.

    How To Do Squat Jumps:

    • Start standing with feet hip-distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.
    • Jump straight up and swing arms overhead. Return to squat.

    Resistance Band Butt Blaster Exercise

    Chris Freytag showing how to do a resistance band butt blaster.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Note: You don’t have to use a resistance band if you don’t have one; it can easily be modified as bodyweight-only.

    The resistance band butt blaster is a unique way to strengthen your glutes without having to do any squats or lunges or even put body weight on your knees. The resistance band provides a unique opportunity to find new ways to complete exercises that might otherwise be impossible.

    How To Do Resistance Band Butt Blasters:

    • Kneel on the floor and wrap band under the right foot, and place hands down under shoulders holding handles against the floor.
    • Lift right knee off the floor slightly and push the right foot back to extend leg straight against the band, squeezing your glute.
    • Release slowly, bringing the knee back into a bent position. Continue for desired reps and switch feet.

    Glute Bridge Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a glute bridge exercise.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    The glute bridge is a simple exercise with powerful results. It helps you build strength, improve posture, and sculpt a toned, firm posterior.

    How To Do Glute Bridges:

    • Lie on back with bent knees hip-distance apart, and feet flat on mat stacked under the knees.
    • Engage the core and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips to a bridge. Hold, squeezing tight, and return to the mat with control. Repeat for the desired number of reps.

    Plié Squats

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a plie squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    A plié squat is an exercise that strengthens the legs, glutes, and calves and increases the range of motion in your hips. They are sometimes referred to as a sumo squats, since the toes are turned outwards in a wide stance position. This lower body move targets the thighs (toning the inner thighs,) hamstrings, and glutes (the strongest and most powerful muscles in your butt.)

    How To Do Plié Squats:

    • Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out into a 45-degree angle.
    • Bend knees and lower your torso, keeping your back straight and abs tight.
    • Squeeze your glutes and come to a standing position.

    Cross Behind Lunges

    Chris Freytag demonstrating cross behind lunges.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    The cross behind lunge is a great version of a lunge that focuses on strengthening your glutes, quads, hamstrings and calves. It lets you sink into a deep range of motion to really shape your booty and sculpt your thighs, and can be done with bodyweight alone, or added weight. Bonus! They’re low impact and a great way to get an awesome rear end.

    How To Do Cross Behind Lunges:

    • Begin standing with your feet hip-distance apart.
    • Transfer your body weight onto your left leg and cross your right foot behind your left leg keeping your hips facing forward as you bend both knees and lower yourself toward the floor in a lunge. Keep your back straight, and chest lifted to keep your weight in the front leg. Step back to the start position and repeat on the other side.

    You don’t have to visit a plastic surgeon to get a bigger butt. Use this booty

    Seated Core Exercises for Seniors That Actually Work

    Targeting your midsection with sculpting and strengthening exercises is a great way to promote healthy aging, no matter what you current fitness capabilities!

    Here are the benefits of working your core as often as you can:

    • Improves posture
    • Reduces back pain
    • Improves balance
    • Helps with everyday activities
    • Improves coordination

    The following low-impact moves are some of the top core exercises for older adults, and most involve a chair for stability.


    • Aim to do these exercises daily (or at least 2-3 times per week) to keep your core muscles strong and healthy.
    • Perform each move for 5-10 reps (per side), and you’ll get a great core workout in less than 10 minutes!

    1. Seated Forward Roll-Ups Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated forward roll up

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated forward roll-up:

    1. Sit in a chair with your legs extended, heels on the floor, and feet flexed towards your face. Extend your arms in front of you. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    2. Begin curling your chin to your chest. Exhale as you roll the entire torso up and over, keeping your legs straight, abs engaged. Reach down towards the toes.
    3. Once you can’t reach any further, inhale as you begin to roll back up to the starting position, one vertebra at a time.
    4. Repeat moving slowly. Avoid using momentum; try to use your abdominals to lift and lower.

    2. Seated Side Bends

    Chris Freytag demonstrating seated side bends.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform seated side bends:

    1. Sit with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Bend your right arm to bring your right hand to the right side of your head. Allow your left arm to hang at your side. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    2. Inhale. As you exhale, bend gently at the waist to lower your left arm toward the floor. Keep your chest open and pull your right elbow back to feel a stretch in your right side.
    3. Inhale to return to starting position. Repeat.

    3. Seated Leg Lift Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated leg lift.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated leg lift:

    1. Sit in a chair. Your left knee should be bent with your left foot flat on the ground, and your right leg extended. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    2. Engage your core to raise your right leg. Lift your leg as high as you can without letting your back collapse. Hold briefly before returning your foot to the floor.

    4. Seated Leg Taps

    Chris Freytag demonstrating seated leg taps.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform seated leg taps:

    1. Sit in a chair with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    2. Hold onto the bottom of your seat for support. Engage your abdominals and extend both legs out in front of you, tapping the floor with both feet.
    3. Reset by pulling your legs under your chair, allowing your feet to rest on the floor. When you’re ready, repeat.

    5. Seated Half Roll-Back Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a seated half roll-back.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a seated half roll-back:

    1. Sit in a chair with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Lift your arms in front of your chest to create a circle. Keep an upright posture; don’t slouch or lean back in the chair.
    2. Keeping your feet on the floor and your arms joined in a circle in front of your chest, begin to round your back. As you round your back, think about scooping your abdominals.
    3. Once you can’t go any further, engage your abs as you slowly roll back up to the starting position.

    6. Glute Bridge

    Chris Freytag demonstrating core exercises for seniors – glute bridge

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Here’s how to perform a glute bridge:

    1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
    2. Engage your abs and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips to a bridge.
    3. Hold briefly and return your glutes to the floor with control.

    Personal Trainer Shares 6 Ways Strength Training Slows Aging

    While aging is inevitable, but aging well is not!

    There are many factors involved in maintaining good physical and mental health as you age, but one of the most important things to consider as you grow older is strength training.

    Researchers at the National Institute on Aging have been studying the effects of strength training for decades and have found so many ways it promotes healthy aging. The biggest benefit? It can add years to your life.

    Here are six ways strength training over 50 helps slow the aging process and keeps your body healthy and feeling younger than ever.

    1. Helps Build Lean Muscle Mass 

    Woman flexing her arm muscles in the kitchen.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    As we age, our bodies lose muscle if we’re not focused on a regular strength training workout. Those who strength train see tighter, more toned bodies rather than getting “bulky.” Worrying about bulking is a women’s fitness myth I recommend ignoring!

    It’s a myth that weight training will make you bulk up. It will, however, help you achieve that coveted toned appearance everyone wants!

    It takes a combination of strength and cardio exercise. Cardio workouts help burn calories and get your heart pumping, which is critical for your overall heart health and weight management. But as that fat starts to melt off, you also need to strength train if you want any toned definition.

    Being stronger means staying independent and strong for life’s daily activities, such as carrying groceries, lifting grandchildren, or engaging in fun activities like golf or other sports. 

    2. Improves Bone Density and Lowers Injury Risk

    An older woman doing leg lifts on a yoga mat in front of her laptop.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Injury prevention is important, especially as you age—and it’s an often-overlooked benefit of building muscle.

    Unexpected falls put countless older people in the hospital every year. In fact, according to the CDC, falls are the leading cause of injury and death in older Americans.

    By training the muscle and connective tissue that surrounds your bones, you are making yourself stronger and helping to prevent a fall from happening in the first place. Bone density is a big deal, and strength training is the best way to preserve it.

    Strong muscles protect your bones and joints when they’re in motion and make your ligaments better at absorbing the shock they endure during dynamic movements. It’s important to incorporate weekly strength training into your routine to avoid random strains and sprains.

    3. Lowers the Risk of Obesity and Disease

    Older woman doing chair squats on a yoga mat.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Maintaining a healthy weight is important for preventing many diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, liver disease, and certain cancers.

    Strength training is an excellent way to eliminate excess fat, keep your body healthy, and reduce the risk of obesity and the diseases that come with it.

    For those already struggling with obesity, research shows that adding weight lifting to an exercise and diet routine for older adults yields better results than diet or aerobic exercise alone.

    4. Boosts Metabolism

    woman lifting kettlebell

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Unfortunately, as you age, your metabolism begins to slow down. One great way to revive it is by weight training.

    Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is how many calories your body burns at rest. The more muscle you have on your body, the higher that metabolic rate.

    Essentially, the more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism works. Bottom line? When you have more muscle mass in your body, you burn more calories every day.

    5. Improves Mental Health

    woman happy exercising doing back pain stretches

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Strength training is not just about more muscle mass. As you get older, you may go through many life changes, making it normal to feel sad, stressed, or uneasy.

    Adopting a strength training program has been shown to improve your confidence and boost your mental health. Moreover, Harvard Medical School reports that exercise helps lessen the incidence and the degree of clinical depression.

    6. Helps Balance, Coordination, and Mobility

    A grandmother dancing in the kitchen with her granddaughter.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    Regular strengthening workouts improve your balance and coordination, which helps you do just about everything, from yoga and dance to daily tasks.

    As you age, you tend to lose the overall muscle strength that allows you to balance. By lifting weights, you are not only building up muscle strength and protecting bone health but also forcing your body to function in an unbalanced state, thus improving overall balance and coordination.

    Bending, lifting, balancing—these movements are very important as you age! If you can strength train, it will help you stay more coordinated and capable throughout the years.

    Personal Trainer Shares Hip Strengthening Exercises for Older Adults

    Your hips play a key role in healthy aging. They enable you to perform various daily activities, from standing to walking to climbing stairs, no matter what your age!

    So, it’s hardly surprising that hip weakness and pain can be debilitating to your everyday life.

    It’s never too late to turn things around! Regularly strengthening the hip muscles with targeted exercises is the best way to stay healthy and mobile. Start by incorporating these nine hip-strengthening exercises into your routine.

    Workout Instructions to Follow:

    • If you struggle with your balance, feel free to grab a chair, couch, or even the wall to hold onto while performing the standing exercises.
    • For best results, perform these exercises at least twice a week.

    1. Glute Bridge

    A woman doing a bridge exercise in her living room.

    Photo Credit: Shutterstock

    1. Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
    2. Engage your abdominals, push your feet into the floor, and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips.
    3. Your knees, hips, and shoulders should be aligned in the top position. 
    4. Lower your hips to the floor with control. Perform 10 repetitions,  3 sets. 

    2. Leg Lift

    Chris Freytag demonstrating leg lifts.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Get on all-fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. 
    2. Extend your right leg behind you and flex your right foot so your weight is on your toes.
    3. Squeeze your right glute and hamstring to lift your right heel toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep your abs tight and back straight.
    4. Slowly lower your right foot to the floor and repeat 10 times, 3 sets. Switch sides.

    3. Fire Hydrant

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a fire hydrant exercise.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Get on all fours with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. 
    2. Engage the outer thigh muscles and glutes to lift your left knee to the side. (Much like a dog next to a fire hydrant!) Keep your knee bent at a 90-degree angle and torso facing the floor.
    3. Slowly lower your left knee and repeat 10 times, 3 sets. Switch sides.

    4. Sit-to-Stand

    Chris Freytag demonstrating chair squats.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Sit in a chair with feet hip-width apart on the floor.
    2. Keeping your back straight and chest lifted, push your feet into the floor to stand. 
    3. Return to a seated position with control. Perform 10 repetitions, 3 sets. 
    4. Try not to use your arms as you sit and stand, unless needed.

    There are plenty of exercises you can do sitting down if you need to! Try my favorite 10 chair exercises for seniors.

    5. Side-Lying Leg Lift

    Sam Cameranesi demonstrating a side lying leg lift.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Lie on your right side with both legs extended, feet flexed. Use a pillow or support your head with your right hand. 
    2. Place your left hand on the floor in front of your torso to help you stabilize.
    3. Keeping your feet flexed, engage the outer thigh muscles and glutes to lift your left leg as high as is comfortable.
    4. Slowly lower your left leg. Preform 10 repetitions, 3 sets. Do all reps on one side before switching to other leg and repeat.

    To make this exercise harder, loop a small resistance band around your ankles.  

    6. Side Lunge

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a side lunge.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, toes pointed forward.
    2. Shift your body weight to the right leg. Push your glutes back and bend the right knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle and the left leg is straight.
    3. Return to the starting position. Alternate sides doing 10 repetitions, 3 sets.

    7. Clamshell

    Sam Cameranesi demonstrating a clamshell exercise.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    1. Lie on your right side with your knees bent and hips stacked. Use a pillow or support your head with your right hand. 
    2. Place your left hand on the floor in front of your torso to help you stabilize.
    3. Keeping your heels glued together, engage the outer thigh muscles and glutes to lift your left knee as high as is comfortable.
    4. Slowly lower your left knee. Perform 10 repetitions, 3 sets.  Do all reps on one side before switching.
    5. To make the exercise harder, loop a small resistance band around your thighs, just above the knee.  

    Best Squat Exercises for 50+ From a Personal Trainer

    Squats are an extremely effective lower-body exercise! They come with an tons of benefits, like:

    • Strengthening and toning leg muscles (quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings)
    • Improving strength in your knee joints
    • Burning fat (which promotes weight loss)
    • Strengthening the lower back
    • Improving flexibility in your lower body

    While the basic squat is still a great option, incorporating different squat variations is a great way to change up your leg workout and improve your strength, mobility, balance, and. Of course, they also give you that much-desired muscle definition in your legs and booty.

    The following are nine squat variations to add to your fitness routine. They will help build and tone muscle no matter what your age!

    1. Plié Squat Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a plie squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    If you want more inner thigh work, a plié squat is a great choice. By turning your legs open (external rotation), the inner thigh muscles are activated and turned on for more help.

    How to do plié squats:

    1. Stand with feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart and toes turned out into a 45-degree angle.
    2. Bend knees and lower your torso, keeping your back straight and abs tight.
    3. Squeeze your glutes and come to standing position.

    2. Squat Jump

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a squat jump.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    Want to burn extra fat and calories? Jump squats are your new friend. Feel Free to add in a kettlebell to up the ante.

    How to do squat jumps: 

    1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. Arms are in front of the chest for balance.
    2. Jump straight up and swing arms overhead. Return to squat.

    3. Stiletto Squat Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a stiletto squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do stiletto squats:

    1. Start standing and lift heels high like you’re wearing heels. Keeping your abs engaged slowly drop into a squat bringing your hips to knee height.
    2. Squeeze your glutes and return to you starting position.

    4. Pistol Squat

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a pistol squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    If your focus is solely on shaping your butt, then a pistol squat is a great variety to mix into your workout.

    How to do pistol squats:

    1. Stand with feet hip distance apart and extend 1 leg long on front of the body.
    2. Bring hands to hips or the front of your body for balance. Sit back into a squat with weight in the heel of the foot, then slowly stand back up using your glute and hamstring muscles. Repeat for desired number of reps and switch sides.

    5. Surfer Squat Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a surfer squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do surfer squats:

    1. Start in a squat position with body facing the side of the room but eyes looking forward.
    2. Jump a full 180 degrees and land in a squat so that body is now facing the other side of the room. Keep eyes forward.
    3. Continue to make 180-degree jump-turns with eyes looking forward and body staying in squat position.

    6. Squat Thrust

    Chris Freytag demonstrating squat thrusts.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do squat thrusts:

    1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and lower into a squat position by bending the knees. Keep the spine straight, chest lifted, and knees behind toes. The elbows are bent and dumbbells are at shoulder height.
    2. Using the lower body, thrust up to standing and press the dumbbells overhead extending the arms long. Then lower back to starting position.

    7. Medicine Ball Squat Toss

    Chris Freytag demonstrating medicine ball squat thrusts.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do medicine ball squat tosses:

    1. Stand with feet hip width apart, knees slightly bent and hold the medicine ball with two hands in front of your chest.
    2. Sit back in squat position, keeping chest lifted and lower ball to floor.
    3. Stand up with an explosive movement while tossing ball up over head.
    4. Catch the ball at chest level and sit back to squat position. Repeat for desired number of repetitions.

    Here are 8 best medicine ball exercises for your core!

    8. Resistance Band Squat Exercise

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a resistance band squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do resistance band squats:

    1. Stand on band with feet shoulder width apart and hold the handles next to your shoulders so the band is behind the back of your arms.
    2. Slowly sit down and back into squat position keeping abdominals tight and chest lifted.
    3. Press back up through heels, squeezing glutes.

    9. Side-to-Side Squat

    Chris Freytag demonstrating a side-to-side squat.

    Photo Credit: Get Healthy U

    How to do side-to-side squats:

    1. Start standing with feet hip distance apart and sit back into a squat position by bending the knees.
    2. Keep your abs tight and back straight. Step wide to one side staying in your squat position, go back to your starting position, and then side squat wide in the other direction using all your lower body muscles then back to center. Continue squatting side to side staying low throughout.